Faith Directory
Green Valley Crossing
Faith: Southern Baptist
95 Front Street, Putnam CT 06260
Telephone: 860-928-0580
Services Held: 10 am at 95 Front Street, Putnam
Community groups gather in homes throughout the week.
For more information visit or call 860-928-0580
Pastor: Riley Prather
First Congregational
Church of Woodstock
Faith: United Church of Christ, Protestant
543 Route 169, PO Box 147, Woodstock CT 06281
Telephone: 860-928-7405
Worship Services: Sunday, 10:00am
with Church School for Children & nursery services provided
FCCW is an Open & Affirming Congregation of the
United Church of Christ, where we proclaim that
God is still speaking, still moving, still loving this world
into being, and we are called to be part of it.
We welcome all people in the life and leadership
of this congregation -- gay or straight, black or
brown or white, sure or doubting, sinner or saint
or a little bit of both! We are committed to
following the teaching of Jesus to love God with
all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds, and all
our strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Pastor: Rev. Jocelyn B. Gardner Spencer
Most Holy Trinity
Faith: Roman Catholic
568 Pomfret Street, Pomfret, CT
Telephone: 860-928-5830
Mass Schedule: Sunday 7:30 and 11:00 am,
Monday 7:00 am, Thursday 7 am
Religious Education: Sunday Mornings of School Calendar
Reconciliation: at St. Mary's or by appointment
Rosary: Saturday 8:00 am
Priest: Very Rev. David P. Choquette
St. Mary Church of the Visitation
Faith: Roman Catholic
281 Providence St. (Rte 171), Putnam CT
Telephone: 860-928-6535
Established in 1866, serves the Catholic population
of Putnam and surrounding communities.
Masses: Saturday Vigil Mass, 4:00pm and
9:00 am on Sunday morning. Weekdays at
8:00 a.m. on Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00pm - 3:30pm
or by appointment
Priest: Rev. David P. Choquette
Brooklyn Unitarian Universalist Church
Faith: Unitarian Universalist
Tiffany Street, Brooklyn CT
Telephone: 860-779-2623
The Unitarian Universalist Society in Brooklyn, CT
is a small, friendly congregation, supporting each
other in a spiritual community. We are the direct
successors of the first Unitarian congregation in
Connecticut. Currently we have services twice
each month. Check the Events page on this site
for dates and times.
Services: Services may be led by lay leaders in the
congregation, or by lay or clergy guests. We also have
a book discussion group which meets monthly. Our
Services are held at the Brooklyn Community Center.
Directions: From I-395 and points east, take Route 6
westbound past the turnoff for Danielson (Route 12).
Pass another light and cross the river, then turn left
at the next light onto an unnamed one-block street.
At its end, turn left again onto South Main Street. Follow
South Main until its end is visible; turn right just before
the street ends, onto Tiffany Street. The Center is about
1/4 mile along on the right, a brick building set back from
the road and marked with a green and white sign.
Contact: Ann P. Barry
Living Faith United Methodist Church
Faith: United Methodist
51-53 Grove Street, Putnam CT
NE Connecticut Community Kitchen Site: Serving
a meal every Tuesday of the month at noontime.
Worship: Sunday - mid-September through mid-June [Fall-Winter-Spring]: 10:45 am; Sunday School, Kindergarten through Adult: 9:30 am; mid-June to mid-September [Summertime Worship]: 10:00 am. No Sunday School.
Telephone: (860) 928-9705
Pastor: Rev. Bob (Song Bok) Jon
Secretary: Beverly Shaw
United Methodist Church of
North Grosvenordale
Faith: United Methodist
Route 12, Riverside Drive, North Grosvenordale CT
NE Connecticut Community Kitchen Site: Serving
a meal every Monday of the month at noontime
Telephone: (860) 928-9705
Pastor: Rev. Barbara A. Kszstyniak
Secretary: Beverly Shaw
Woodstock Evangelical
Covenant Church
Faith: Evangelical Christian
24 Child Hill Road, Woodstock, CT 06281
Telephone: 860-928-0486
Worship Hours for Fall (Beginning Sept. 27th):
Sunday, 10:30am
Sunday School for All Ages: 9:00am
Senior Pastor: Dr. Leon Engman
Associate / Youth Pastor: Dave Magee